Hunting Darkness: The iconic From the Bay of Fangs record player

From the Bay of Fangs

Revel in the heroic exploits of the Hunters of Fenblith as Peter Shillard takes you through reports of daring and deadly Hunts.

Hunting Darkness: The mark of the Hunters of Fenblith, comprised of their three original weapons


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Hunting Darkness: A vinyl record with a From the Bay of Fangs recording on it

The Dark Truth

Glimpse the supposed Dark Truth behind the Council and the Hunters as you follow Tara Summer’s search for an anonymous printer.

Hunting Darkness

Welcome to the world of Hunting Darkness, a lively but deadly place.


There are many regions across this world, each with their own histories, traditions, and beliefs. All of them struggle to survive, however, as the Dark Ones seek to end humanity.


No sane soul can claim to know exactly what the Dark Ones are, but it is them that create the Beasts that haunt humanity. These horrid creatures come into being through the transformation of corpses and can only be killed by Starsteel, an extremely rare and unique metal no one yet fully understands.


This dire reality has given rise to a global network of settlements seeking to either fend off the Beasts themselves or secure the protection of someone else to do it for them. And just when humanity had fully adapted to its new status quo, the City of Fenblith’s discovery of the largest deposit of Starsteel in the world altered the global network’s entire fabric.


Hunting Darkness tells the stories of those people caught in this shifting tapestry. Whether they are the Starsteel bearing Hunters of Fenblith, the desperate souls begging for their help, or the stubborn souls refusing it, everyone has everything to gain and lose in the fight against the Dark Ones.

Hunting Darkness: The mark of the Hunters of Fenblith, comprised of their three original weapons

Hunting Darkness: Greywing’s assault on the ship in the Bay of Fangs, as described in From the Bay of Fangs episode Final Flight.

Legends of the Land

Ancestors worshipped as Saints, a legendary Beast sinking ships across the world, cliffs rising from the ocean like rows of fangs. The world of Hunting Darkness knows many legends worth diving into. Take the plunge.



Hunting Darkness: Ophelia’s Wit crossing the sea on the Hunt for Bitanling, as described in From the Bay of Fangs episode On Rising Tides.